#education-visa · 1 year ago

How long can I stay in Thailand on an education visa?

How long can I stay in Thailand on an education visa? photo thailand

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If you want to study in the beautiful country of Thailand, you might be wondering how long you can stay on an education visa. Well, you're in luck! Thailand offers a special kind of visa called the Non-Immigrant ED visa, which allows you to stay in the country for a longer period of time while you study. In this article, we will explain how long you can stay in Thailand on an education visa and what you need to do to apply for one.

First, let's talk about the length of the education visa. When you receive your Non-Immigrant ED visa, it is usually valid for 90 days. This means that once you enter Thailand, you have 90 days to begin your studies. However, don't worry if your course is longer than 90 days, because you can extend your visa while you are in Thailand.

If your course is longer than 90 days, you can apply for a visa extension at the Thai Immigration Bureau. The good news is that you can extend your education visa for up to one year at a time. This means that if your course lasts for two years, for example, you can extend your visa twice, allowing you to stay in the country for the entire duration of your studies.

It is important to note that there are some requirements you need to meet to extend your education visa. You will need to show proof that you are attending school and that you have enough money to support yourself while living in Thailand. Also, keep in mind that you will need to report to the Thai Immigration Bureau every 90 days to confirm your address and provide updates on your studies.

Now that we've talked about how long you can stay in Thailand on an education visa, let's discuss how to apply for one. First, you will need to get accepted into a school or course in Thailand. Once you have been accepted, the school will provide you with the necessary paperwork to apply for the Non-Immigrant ED visa.

Next, you will need to submit your visa application at a Thai embassy or consulate in your home country. Make sure you have all the required documents, such as your passport, the paperwork from your school, and proof of financial support. It might take a few weeks for your visa application to be processed, so be sure to apply early.

In conclusion, an education visa allows you to stay in Thailand for 90 days initially, but you can extend it for up to one year at a time as long as you meet the requirements. This means that you can stay in the country for as long as your course lasts, allowing you to fully enjoy your time studying in Thailand.

If you need more advice on education visas for Thailand or have any questions about the process, we are here to help. Please request a consultation with us at Strictly Thailand, and we will be more than happy to guide you through the process and make sure that you have everything you need to study in this amazing country.